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Restaurants in Tsuruoka






Local cuisine

Naa is a small restaurant located behind a farm. The owners use organic vegetables that are mainly grown inside the farm. The inside of the restaurant is typical of the 80s in Japan, and the view from the interior offers a panoramic view on Mt. Gassan and Mt. Kinbo. Those who wish to taste Tsuruoka's delicious vegetables cuisine just as if they were eating with a Japanese family definitely should make a stop at Naa.
The lunch menus start at 970 yen, and the dinner menus start at 2500 yen.

Can cater to (please precise your restrictions before ordering):



Open hours:

11:30-14:30, 17:30-21:30

Closed on:

Every Tuesday

Average price for lunch (1 person):



Telephone number:



甲41 Fukuda, Tsuruoka, Yamagata 997-0006, Japan


On the map:

What's to see around:

Zenpoji Temple

Zenpoji Temple

Ryûtakusan Zenpôji

One of the Three Main Soto Zen Buddhist temples in Japan, along with Myogonji Temple (Aichi Prefecture) and Saijôji Temple (Kanagawa Prefecture).

Oyama Park

Oyama Park

Ōyama kōen

One of Tsuruoka's best spots to appreciate the cherry blossoms.

DEGAM Tsuruoka Tourism Bureau (General Incorporated Association)

Address: 3-1 Suehiromachi, MARICA East Building, 2nd floor, Tsuruoka, Yamagata 997-0015, JAPAN

TEL: (+81) 0235-26-1218



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  • dewa sanzan, dewasanzan, dewa mountains, Yamagata, Tohoku, Yamabushi, northern Japan, go to dewa san
  • yamabushi training, yamabushi experience, gassan, yudono, Tsuruoka, Sokushinbutsu, unesco gastronomy
  • hagurosan, mt. haguro, mount haguro, yamabushi training, yamabushi experience, gassan, yudono, Tsuru
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